Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 24 - Dealing with the Blizzard...

You may remember that we live in a 1930's Airplane Bungalow. We are thankful for some of the original features. One is the mud room. It provides a spot to keep the dog leashes a place to seperate the wet, snowy feet from the rest of the house. It is a little crooked as the house has settled over the years, so there are spaces where the weather comes in on its own.


In ther winter our little floor furnace, which is the only heat source stays on when the electricity goes out, like it did last night.

No matter how much heat it provides, it seems Pippin needs his own way of keeping warm.


Bird's Eye View Photography said...

brrrrr..... I love pippin peaking through the blankets... lol!

Uncle Junk's Rambler said...

We dodged this bullet.