Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 23 - Blizzard Bird

Last Friday the temperature in Wichita was 71 degrees. It equaled an all time high for the date. This morning the temperature is -4 with a windchill of -22.

Hazel sits on top of the loveseat and stands guard. I can always tell when there is something that has caught her eye, because she kind of  "boofs" in her lowest quietest voice.

Outside in the cold with snow blowing and drifinting below it was a woodpecker listening for its food to make a noise. 

After hearing what must have sounded like breakfast, it would peck at the frozen bark.

Then it would turn its head a listen again...

 then peck a while...

and listen some more.

1 comment:

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Wow! What a cool find on a cold winter day!