Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back Roads

In my sales territory, the customers are mostly in the cities, and there is no doubt that the interstate highway is the fastest way to get from one group of customers to the next. That still leaves a drive of between two and three hours to go from one city to another.

Some of my customers are located in rural areas or in small towns. It's a two hour drive by either interstate or state highways from Wichita to Wilson, KS, where one customer has his business. I usually take the scenic route because it provides great photo opportunities.

Highway 14 runs through wheat fields and into an area of limestone hills with outcroppings and mesas. There is an old farmhouse sitting in the middle of a wheatfield still far from any town.

Who looked out this back door at the sunrise?

How many family gatherings were in the parlor inside this window?

How many hands turned this knob?

Who were these pioneers with a home far out in the prairie?

1 comment:

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

yep-- I am just like you!! I wonder those same things!

Teh door knob shot is one of my favorites!