Thursday, June 4, 2009

Following "The Yellow Brick Road"...

Route 54 is affectionately known and "The Yellow Brick Road". It runs across Southern Kansas from the Missouri Border in the East almost due West into Western Kansas and then dips down into New Mexico. I have never, in my almost 7 years of covering Kansas, been to Dodge City. I was always told,"there is just no business to speak of out there." With the economy the way it is and with new products to talk about, I decided to take a road trip out west. To make a long story, short, they were right.
Business, not so much... photo opportunities, plenty.
Kinetic Sculptures...

Lining the fence is one person's take on today's politics and social situation.

Political and social commentary under the clear, blue Kansas sky.

1 comment:

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

oh my goodness!! That is so funny! people are so weird :)