Friday, January 16, 2009

Trip to Wilson...

In 1974 my wife, Robin gave me a gift of a Nikon F. I loved that camera, and from that day on I was hooked on Nikon equipment. I knew then that I would never use any other camera than Nikon. I didn't for many years, and have given my children and grandchildren Nikons. They have a high quality, solid feel and the lenses are among the best made.

When digital cameras started to come in as the latest thing, I resisted. I knew that I would never be able to replace my Nikon F, and instead went with Nikon film cameras with auto focus lenses.

Over the last few years, I have sold most of my film equipment and bought a Fuji Finepix S1 Pro. I discovered that I really like performance of Fuji digital. It uses a Nikon body design and my Nikon auto focus lenses. Unfortunately, the Nikon body it uses is ... Plastic.

In a really bonehead move on my part, I did not put the strap around my neck. I juggled and dropped my S1. As you can see, it exploded.

Luckily, I just bought a Nikon has a magnesium alloy under-body. I have to admit, I really love this Nikon too. What follows are the first shots taken with the D100 on a trip to one of my favorite areas of Kansas. I will miss my S1!!

I try to schedule my visits to Wilson, Kansas on a Friday. That way I know I don't have anything pressing and can use a little of my day taking pictures.
I really love the wide open range land out here. it's really pretty empty for a far as you can see, and then there is an old one-room school house.

The juniper bushes planted long ago in front are so large they obscure most of the building, so if there is a name anywhere, I couldn't find it.

There is a "long-since used" slide and swing set in the back.

But I was most surprised to see that there were still desks, blackboards and a piano inside. I had to shoot through the front door windows, so I don't know if the piano work.

Wilson is a small town, midway between Salina and Hays.

You have probably seen it and don't realize it. Wilson has it's own Claim to Fame. Besides being the "Czech Capitol of Kansas" as it says on a sign just outside town. Wilson is the town used in Paper Moon and actually gets mentioned in the film by Ryan O'Neil.

There is an old lumber yard in town. It hasn't seen a new board in quite a while.

Next to the lumber yard are the remains of an old Post Rock fence.

This part of Kansas has a lot old Post Rock fences, or what is left of them. Mostly, the fences are gone, and the Post Rocks remain.

Without many trees, you do with what you do have, and Kansas has a lot of limestone.

1 comment:

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Wow! I wish I had been with you!! What a great photo excursion!! By the way-- I LOVE the new look!